Orchard Nursery School

Information for Parents
This page is full of useful information for current parents. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to call us on 01603 813240

Please could we ask that if your child has sickness or diarrhoea that you keep them at home for at least 48 hours following their last bout of sickness, (72 hours if sickness or diarrhoea is rife) this is to prevent the spread of infection. Nursery should be informed if your child develops and communicable illness (e.g. Chicken Pox) and a doctor’s advice should be taken before returning your child to nursery.
If your child is unwell during the day you will be telephoned. It is vital that we have up to date contact numbers for you or any appointed person whilst your child is at nursery. If your child is unwell and doesn’t attend their session the session remains reserved for them and still has to be paid for.
Further details can be found in our sickness policy – please read this as our policy may be different to guidelines of a GP in some circumstances.

Children prescribed antibiotics to treat infection should remain at home for at least 24 hours. If your child requires medicine to be taken whilst at nursery we are only able to administer this if you have given us written consent to do so. Prescribed medicine must be clearly labelled with the child’s name and suitable dose.

Behaviour Management
We believe having consistent boundaries for behaviour at home and within the setting helps children feel confident because they know what is acceptable. We also believe that when a child receives warm responsive care they are more likely to feel secure and valued and want to contribute to making rules which makes ‘fair’ for everybody.
We aim to manage the children’s behaviour effectively and, in a manner, appropriate for their particular needs.

We love to hear feedback on how you think we are doing! We love to hear what is going well, and also any suggestions you may have on how we could improve.
Should you have any complaints please speak to Jo Lemon in the first instance. If the matter is still not resolved you can contact OFSTED directly at National Business Unit, Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD or phone on 0300 1231231.

Special Educational Needs
Orchard Nursery School is committed to a policy of integrating children with special educational needs within our setting. Staff are made fully aware of the special needs of the individual children and encourage them to do all the activities on offer. Additional and appropriate help will be offered when needed with regard not to undermine self-confidence and independence. Our Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinators are Jo Lemon and Annie Barnham-Way – their roles are to offer support and guidance following the code of practice (2015).

Our designated Safeguarding Lead Practitioner is Jo Lemon, she is responsible for the safety and welfare of the children. Annie Barnham-Way and Kirsty Burrell are Deputy Safeguarding Lead Practitioners. If you have any safeguarding concerns please see our full policy which can be found in the office.
If we observe any changes of behaviour, health or physical appearance, this may be recorded. Our concerns would only be discussed with staff who work in close proximity with the child. If we are still concerned we have a duty under the 1989 Children’s Act to forward these concerns to a social worker.

Copies of all of our policies and procedures can be obtained from the office on request

01603 813240
Orchard Nursery School
Church Road
NR18 9RS
©2024 by Orchard Nursery School.