Orchard Nursery School

Orchard Nursery School
Ketteringham Hall

Welcome to Orchard Nursery School!
Orchard Nursery School is located in a lovely picturesque orchard on the edge of the Ketteringham Hall Estate, providing a warm and friendly welcome to children aged 3 months to 5 years.
The three converted barns provide four different classes to enable the children to play and learn in a safe and caring environment. There are three different outdoor play areas including two large grassed areas, a planting garden and a playground area to explore the cars, bikes and trikes. In addition to these enclosed outdoor spaces, we also have access to an apple orchard, woodlands and walks within the hall grounds passing pastures often home to sheep or cows.
Our Nursery
Learning is Fun!
Learning should be fun, and here, at Orchard Nursery School, we aim to mix plenty of creative, imaginative and physical play with more specific skills required in preparation for school and beyond.
We have a dedicated team of experienced and qualified staff whose aim is for the children to have fun and enjoy socialising and learning in a relaxed, safe and stimulating environment.

Outside Learning
We are set in a beautiful rural location and have easy access to a large outside facilities including two large, grassed areas, a playground, large equipment and separate play areas for babies and toddlers. We access the outside areas on a daily basis, where children can climb, run, hunt for bugs, explore the sand pit and even help with planting in the garden. Class walks are taken through the woods and around the grounds of Ketteringham Hall.
Please ensure your child has suitable clothes for the weather so they can still come outside. In the summer, please provide your child with a sun hat and apply sun cream to your child in the morning and we will reapply it as necessary. During the winter months please could your child bring in coats, gloves, boots, hats and scarfs as we like to explore the environment in all weathers. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly named.

Parent Partnership
We believe that parent-nursery partnership is hugely important, so we like to keep you posted on what we have been up to each week at nursery. To do so, we use an online educational system called Famly. On Famly, all children attending Orchard Nursery School have a personal learning story which records photographs, videos, observations and comments, to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us. This will highlight how they are progressing at nursery, with a particular focus on the areas of development highlighted in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
This website is to help provide information about our nursery school; however, please note that in order to respect the privacy and confidentiality of the children attending nursery, some of the photographs are of agency children taking part in regular nursery activities that happen here at Orchard Nursery School.

01603 813240
Orchard Nursery School
Church Road
NR18 9RS
©2024 by Orchard Nursery School.